(of items or people gathered or considered together) Of various types or from different sources.
(of a collection or group) Composed of members or elements of different kinds: "a miscellaneous collection".

   [fi-los-uh-fee] Show IPA
noun, plural -phies.
1.the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.
2.any of the three branches, namely natural philosophy, moral philosophy, and metaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study.
3.a system of philosophical doctrine: the philosophy of Spinoza.
4.the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them: the philosophy of science.
5.a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Ethics of Keeping Aquatic Animals as a Hobby

The Ethics of Keeping  Aquatic Animals as a Hobby

*Warning This article is highly Philosophical and Esoteric in nature.  If that is the type of thing you don't enjoy then I suggest you read no further than the PETA article.

I recently ran across this article from PETA on one of the Forums I frequent.  It is a very old article but it touches on many of the thoughts and feelings the "Environmentally Conscientious" Aquarist might be confronted with occasionally.  I often deal with these issues myself and anyone who has followed my posts over the years can often find references to some of the core issues presented in this article by PETA.  So I figured When and where is a better place than now and here to voice my opinions and feelings on this heated subject.


Which reads in its entirety :


Fish in Tanks? No, Thanks!

Fragile tropical fish, who were born to dwell in the majestic seas and forage among brilliantly colored coral reefs, suffer miserably when they are forced to spend their lives in glass tanks. The same is true of river fish. Robbed of their natural habitats and denied the ability to travel freely, they must swim around in the same few cubic inches of water endlessly.
Where Fish Really Come From
The popularity of keeping tropical fish has created a virtually unregulated industry that catches and breeds as many fish as possible with little regard for the animals themselves. While many species of coral are protected under the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species, most of the fish who end up in aquariums are not.(1)
An estimated 95 percent of saltwater fish sold in pet shops came from the wild, mostly from the waters around Indonesia, the Philippines, Fiji, and other Pacific islands.(2) More than 20 million fish, 12 million corals, and 10 million other types of marine life—like anemones, shrimps, and mollusks—are captured every year to support a $300 million worldwide “hobby.”(3)
Collectors douse the coral reefs with cyanide, which is ingested by the fish who live there, and as reported in Scientific American, “the resulting asphyxiation stuns some fish and sends others into spasms, making them easy to grab by hand or net.”(4) Half the affected fish die on the reef, and 40 percent of those who survive the initial poisoning die before they reach an aquarium.(5) Cyanide also kills the coral reefs themselves, and marine biologists rank it as one of the biggest dangers in Southeast Asian waters.(6)
Goldfish are usually raised in giant tubs on fish farms that raise as many as 250 million fish per year.(7) These animals are sold to zoos, pet stores, and bait shops, and many are doomed to live in plastic bags or bowls, neither of which provides the space or oxygen that goldfish need. The city of Monza, Italy, banned keeping goldfish in bowls because the containers do not meet the needs of the animals and because, as one sponsor of the law pointed out, bowls give fish “a distorted view of reality.”(8)
Some fish farms are seeking new market niches by creating fish breeds that would never occur in nature, treating fish as ornaments instead of living animals. Some breeders even “paint” fish by injecting fluorescent dyes into the animals’ bodies or altering their genetic makeup to make them more attractive to buyers.(9)

Fish Can Speak, Make Tools, and Think
Fish have cognitive abilities that equal and sometimes surpass those of non-human primates. They can recognize individuals, use tools, and maintain complex social relationships.(10) Biologists wrote in Fish and Fisheries that fish are “steeped in social intelligence, pursuing Machiavellian strategies of manipulation, punishment and reconciliation, exhibiting stable cultural traditions, and co-operating to inspect predators and catch food.”(11)
Fish communicate with one another through a range of low-frequency sounds—from buzzes and clicks to yelps and sobs. These sounds, which are audible to humans only with the use of special instruments, communicate emotional states such as alarm or delight and help with courtship.(12) The pumps and filters necessary in many home aquariums can interfere with this communication. “[A]t the least, we’re disrupting their communication; at worst, we’re driving them bonkers,” says ichthyologist Phillip Lobel.(13)
What You Can Do
Please don’t support the tropical fish trade by purchasing fish. If you enjoy watching fish, consider downloading one of the many colorful and realistic fish computer screensavers available on the Web. Don’t support businesses or fairs that give fish away in contests or promotions. In the United Kingdom and Wales, it is illegal to give fish as “prizes” or sell animals to children under the age of 16, and guardians must provide a “suitable environment” for all animals.(14) A similar law is in effect in Reggio Emilia, Italy.(15)
Siamese fighting fish, who are often sold as “decorations” or party favors, are fighting for their lives as their popularity grows. Pet shops, discount superstores, florists, and even online catalogs sell Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) in tiny cups or flower vases to consumers who are often uneducated about proper betta care. Many people mistakenly believe that betta fish must be confined alone and that they can survive without being fed in a so-called “complete ecosystem” that consists of nothing more than a vase and a plant. As a result, fish are sentenced to dull, lonely lives and slow deaths by starvation. These tiny containers are not suitable for any fish. While betta males do not get along well with each other, they are able to live with other types of fish in a “community” aquarium.
Biologists say that there is no safe way to return captive fish to their natural environments—which are often located in a completely different region of the world—because of the difficulty in locating such a habitat and the possibility of introducing disease to the other fish there. Researchers have found many species of non-native fish, including predatory species, living off the coast of Florida, and they attribute these populations to careless aquarium owners.(16) These fish pose a real threat to native species. Never flush fish down the toilet in the hope of “freeing” them, as seen in the popular movie Finding Nemo. Even if a fish survived the shock of being put into the swirling fresh water, he or she would die a painful death in the plumbing system or at the water treatment plant.(17)
If you already have fish, you can make their lives easier by providing them with an environment that is as much like their natural habitat as possible. While captive fish can never live natural lives, the following tips will help ensure that they are as happy as possible:
• The more space that fish have, the happier and healthier they will be. Their needs vary, so check with an expert or consult a good fish book to determine their requirements. One general guideline is that you should provide 3 gallons of water for every 1 inch of fish.(18)
• Treat tap water properly before putting it in the aquarium, as most municipal water has chlorine in it, which can kill fish. The type of chemicals that you should use depends on your area’s water. Consult with a local tropical fish supply store to determine the proper treatment.
• Different types of fish require different pH levels. Check the pH level daily for the first month and weekly thereafter.
• A filter to remove waste particles and noxious chemicals from the water is essential. Live plants help with this task and provide oxygen, shelter, hiding places, and the occasional snack.
• A properly working air pump is necessary to provide oxygen.
• Fish need a constant temperature, generally between 68°F and 76°F, but you should check with a fish supply store for information that is specific to the type of fish that you are keeping.(19) Automatic aquarium heaters monitor the water temperature and turn the heater on and off as needed. Attaching a small thermometer to the tank will help you ensure that the heater is functioning properly.
• The natural waste of fish emits ammonia, which can accumulate to toxic levels, so clean the tank regularly, but never empty the tank completely. Be sure to clean the glass well with a pad or a brush to prevent algae growth.
• Create places for the fish to hide and explore. Ceramic objects, natural rocks, and plants work well. Make sure that all objects are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before they are put into the tank. Do not use metal objects, as they will rust.
• Be aware of the environment outside the aquarium. Suddenly switching on a bright light in a dark room can startle fish, and vibrations from a television or a stereo can alarm and stress them.
• Keep all harmful chemicals away from the aquarium. Cigarette smoke, paint fumes, and aerosol sprays can be toxic if they are absorbed into the water.
• The aquarium should be in a spot where temperature and light are constant and controllable. Tropical fish supply stores may be able to advise you on the best amount of light for the fish you are keeping. Remember that direct sunlight and drafts from nearby doors or windows can change the water temperature, and fumes from a nearby kitchen or workshop can injure the fish.
• Don’t overfeed! Uneaten food and waste material are broken down into ammonia and nitrites, which are toxic. One expert recommends providing only as much food as your fish can eat in 30 seconds.(20)
• If a fish seems sick or lethargic, take him or her to a vet. Fish can be medicated, anesthetized, given shots, and operated on, just like other animals. Take along a separate sample of the tank water.
• Most fish enjoy companionship. If you have a single fish, check with friends and neighbors to find another loner to adopt—but don’t support the fish trade by going to a dealer.
References1) Sarah Simpson, “Fishy Business,” Scientific American 285 (2001): 82-90.
2) Jill Barton, “Fish Farms Create Thousands of ‘Nemos,’” Associated Press, 19 Jun. 2003.
3) United Nations Environment Programme, “From Cauliflower Corals to Clown Fish,” UNEP news release, 30 Sep. 2003.
4) Simpson.
5) Simpson.
6) Simpson.
7) Caryn Rousseau, “Goldfish Galore Spawn at Arkansas Farms. Just Don’t Overfeed Them,” Associated Press, 2 Aug. 2004.
8) Michelle Hainer, “Goldfish Bowl Do’s and Don’ts,” The Washington Post 8 Aug. 2004.
9) Andrew Pollack, “So the Fish Glow. But Will They Sell?” The New York Times 25 Jan. 2004.
10) Culum Brown, “Not Just a Pretty Face,” New Scientist 12 Jun. 2004.
11) BBC News, “Scientists Highlight Fish ‘Intelligence,’” 31 Aug. 2003.
12) Stephen Budiansky, “What Animals Say to Each Other,” U.S. News & World Report 5 Jun. 1995.
13) Budiansky.
14) Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs, “Animal Welfare Act 2006,” Animal Health and Welfare 11 Dec. 2007.
15) Bruce Johnston, “Italian Animal Rights Law Puts Lobster Off the Menu,” News.telegraph.co.uk, 3 Jul. 2004.
16) Amitabh Avasthi, “Releasing Pet Fish Into the Wrong Ocean Proves a Disaster,” New Scientist 3 Jul. 2004.
17) “Fish Flushers Learn Life Does Not Imitate ‘Nemo,’” Los Angeles Times 26 Jun. 2003.
18) The Washington Post, “Goldfish Bowl Do’s and Don’ts,” 8 Aug. 2004.
19) Marianne Kyriakos, “Getting Hooked on Fish,” The Washington Post 23 Jun. 1989.
20) Kyriakos."

Ok so now let me weigh in on this.  In my opinion the earth is a Resource.  It is not a constant, and it is surely not permanent. Lets examine this statement.

Ok now please bare with me please I'm gonna really throw out some seemingly random far out stuff and try to bring it all together in the end.

Lets see all of the following mass extinction events will happen it is just a matter of when. I will list them in the order they are most likely to occur:

(I wont number This one cause it is still just a theory so take it as you may, according to this particular theory it can happen in an instant at any time) In some versions of the bubble theory our dimension and the universe it contains is in a bubble and that bubble is in a sea of bubbles, and our big bang was when 2 of the bubbles collided and brought forth our dimension. Thus it is possible for ours to collide with another and poof out like a light. Like a soap bubble popping in your bath water...lol.

1) Meteor/Comet strikes earth wipes out all but 1% of life on earth and humans aren't likely to be in that 1%...lol

2) Global warming/cooling (this is being sped up by man but will happen with or without our intervention)

3) Our sun burns out/explodes/implodes

4) Our galaxy collides with its neighbor (at the center of every galaxy is a black hole and they never stop consuming all around them.)

Ok so it really isn't up for debate IF these events will happen.  It is basically a mathematical certainty that several of them WILL occur.   This brings me back to my original statement that the earth is a resource, a disposable space station if you will.  The earth has a very finite usable shelf life.  After expiration it may still be the earth but it will hardly be the earth we know.  I further submit that all of the flora and fauna on this big old rock are here for our edification. To better ourselves and learn all we can about life and death and ourselves in the process.

If enough of us are aware of the gravity of out situation, we can do the things necessary and behave the way that is needed for us all to act as one unified planet instead of as separate countries. We don't have to love everyone just respect each others right to be themselves as long as it doesn't interfere with others rights to be themselves. Anyway only as a unified species will we be able to supply the brain power and resources that are needed to find suitable planets and colonize them. Man thinks super intelligent people only come from Yale and Harvard. Geniuses are born every day in the ghetto's of the world, as well as in palaces, genius doesn't know about race or color or creed. Without the care and programs to identify genius then reward and nurture it we actually end up suppressing it along with the people we don't agree with or those who are different than us. Who ever thought a single idea can change the course of humanity?  Well in reality it is the only thing that ever has.  So by keeping any of the people in this world down we are in fact holding down the whole human race and we will never truly prosper as a species!!!

Anyway there is the back drop through which I personally view the universe.  Now moving on the the various species of this planet, it is for our own edification and moral fortitude that we are as accommodating to other species of this planet as we can be.  Lets face it nature is brutal, it favors the strong in either mind or body or both!!  There is no right or wrong in nature there is only what happens and the results of what happened.  Right and wrong, good and bad are concepts of man.  They are subjective in nature.  in the universe there is what happens and its results, in man it is what happens and how we deal with it. or perceive it that makes it good or bad.  However I don't want to get this all confused, We are the predominant species of this planet, the self appointed masters and guardians of all we survey.  Yet as mentioned earlier we can be mercilessly wiped out in the wink of an eye.  So when I see PETA and other people telling me how and what I can and can not do with the flora and fauna of this planet I am amazed at their short sightedness in not seeing the grand scheme of things and our little tiny insignificant part in it all.  Don't get me wrong I do not think it is ok to torture animals or treat them cruelly.  It is just that I differ in why it is wrong and what constitutes cruelty and mistreatment, I also differ in what I feel should be the correct treatment for one who violates our common beliefs in what is cruel or mistreatment of an animal.  Lastly I differ my belief on who has the right to decide these collectively accepted standards.

I believe there are 3 fundamental laws regarding human kind:
1) what one can do
2) what one chooses to do
3) what one actually does

We differ from most flora and fauna in that we can reason on a very high level.  This gives us the most important gift nature has to offer."Choice" AKA "Free Will"  this combined with an oposable thumb sets us significantly apart from all other flora and fauna on the planet.  Giving us the ability to conceive anything, and then decide to set about doing it, and then most of all to actually be able to do it. As intelligent as say a whale may be even if it can conceive of an airplane it can not build and fly one. So first of all we are indeed animals but we have a dual existence if you will.  Because we also exist as beings of thought and reason.  What motivates mankind?  Well at our core we are still animals so we are still motivated by primal instincts.  To put it as simple as possible human kind is motivated by the avoidance or pursuit of pain or pleasure.  We do what feels good or promises to make us feel good, we avoid what makes us feel bad or promises to make us feel bad.  An animal only experiences this on a primal level IE a cat can avoid stepping on a hot tin roof because touching it causes pain, that same cat however can not reason that if he goes around the roof all together he can still get to his desired location and avoid the pain of the roof all together.  Be it mentally or physically all pain is translated to mental pain in its final state as perceived by the recipient.  We humans are unique in our ability to assign pain or pleasure to abstract concepts and actions.  We do good things for others because it makes us feel good.  Some of us do bad things to others because it makes us feel good.  Then when you really get into the realm of the abstract you have people who do "bad" or painful things to themselves because they believe they must be punished which in turn makes them feel good.  Pain the primal motivational force of mankind.  It may sound selfish but in reality we are very selfish because life is a singular experience that can also be shared.  When all is said and done we are all alone in our skin.  If we live or die it is us the individual who is most directly effected by this change.  We can sugar coat these truths we can dress them up and water them down but in the end we are still left with ourselves as our own judge jury and executioner.

Knowledge is power, great knowledge is great power, with great power comes great responsibility.  We hear this often and often dismiss this as some idealistic Saturday morning cartoon super hero mumbo jumbo.  The truth be known the only thing greater than the power of knowledge is when it is combined with the ability to weild it.  We walk around claiming ignorance to the thousands of creatures we kill by our own hands every day.  Bugs, plants, birds by our buildings and planes and windmills, bacteria, the food we eat.  The simple fact is higher forms of life require the sacrifice of lower forms of life in order to continue living.  Ignorance or failure to acknowledge this fact is no exception to ones duplicity in the truth.  If human kind survives itself it will not always be this way for us, but for now that is the way it is.  So we all have our place on the great scale of ethics you know that point at which we say we are comfortable.  I submit for your consideration that it is really all the same.  In for a penny in for a pound.  Don't fool ourselves know our role in the grand scheme choose where we feel comfortable fitting in but be considerate of the fact that others may not be of our same convictions and respect that.fact.  There are extremes in either direction on which we all can agree but lets leave the gray areas to a higher being than ourselves.

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